Saturday, July 4, 2015

Balancing Your Life

Can entrepreneurs be effective at running their new business and have a life on the side?  It's complicated.  Well, not really.  It all depends on each individual situation, but the truth is starting a business can be very time consuming.  When you mix this with having a family, or other important pursuits (i.e. church service, or school), balancing your time can become difficult.  One important lesson to learn is keeping your priorities in check.  Make a list of what's most important to you, and keep to your priorities.  There will come a time when you have to decide between priorities.  Will you attend your son's soccer game, or meet an emergency business need that requires your attention.  Don't let lesser priorities take the place of more important ones.  Make time to attend to what is of most worth to you, and remember, if things aren't right at home, things can't be right at work.  Consider this when choosing the business you will start.  Try to pursue something both you and your spouse are excited about.  If you are starting a business you will need all the support you can get at home.  Your significant other will likely need to pick up the pieces if you are spending extra hours with your new business.  Will he or she be ok with this, will you be ok with this?  These are things you will need to consider and discuss with your spouse.  If you have older children you may consider including them in the conversation as well.

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