Saturday, February 28, 2015

Week 7 Entrepreneur Journal Update

Management and Leaderships

This week I learned a great deal about the difference between managers and Leaders.  But, they are the same thing you say.  Not so.  If you have heard the story of the shepherd and the sheep herder you may know where I'm going with this.  You may know plenty of managers, they may even be great at their jobs, but they will only ever be just a manager.  A leader inspires and is loved by their subordinates.  Just like the sheepherder who knows his flock, a leader takes time to understand his subordinates.  A managers objectives are centered on themselves and the company, a leader is focused on the company as well but meets that end by focusing on the people.

$100 Challenge Update

This week I was able to finish one of my projects I had set out to do.  I made the solar cell phone charger and wrote up a how-to article on it last night.  It's been up for 24 hours and it has seen 1,664 (scratch that, make it 1,674 now) visitors, and has received 87 favorites by it's viewers.  It has 24 affiliate links incorporated into the instructions so I'm hoping it performs well.  The link stats won't show up for another day or two so we shall soon see how it is performing.  I posted it to four groups on facebook, and pinned it to pinterest.  I could take it a step further by making a youtube video for further marketing efforts.  Time will tell if this will prove to be a great performer.  I expect it will earn a little at first, but will eventually flat line after the hype dies down.

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