Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I've always been fascinated with the idea of starting my own business just for the sheer joy of it.  I often find myself making business plans for an idea I had and just thinking about how exciting it would be if I did start one.  I think many people are like me, thinking about starting a business, but not because they are too comfortable with their current jobs.  The question then is what is the catalyst, the driving force that make people transition from working for someone to working for myself?  From my “small business creation” course at BYU-Idaho it describes this very thing.  “Many entrepreneurial ideas come from technological breakthroughs, flashes of insight, and revolutionary concepts.  However, the reality is that most entrepreneurial ventures are created out of frustration, disappointment, and discomfort of one sort or another.  Other ideas are simply dreams that people have always had.”  

I can see this being the case.  I for one would like to work just enough to have what we need so that I can have the extra time to chase after more noble pursuits.  You won’t find anyone upon their death bed saying, “I wish I had spent more time at work” or “I wish I had more money right now.”  The things that really matter are our families, and our faith.  My own frustration, disappointment, and discomfort is not having the time I want to spend with my family, and to serve others more diligently.  This is my own driving force.  

This semester I’m starting a blog that will serve as an entrepreneurial journal of sorts.  My journal of the things I’m learning and the things I’m doing as a student of business.  You’ll see many of the projects I’m working on including the $100 challenge.  

Welcome, I’m Dave, and this is my business journal!

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