Saturday, June 13, 2015

Overcoming Challenges

There is always going to be challenges along the way; roadblocks in our path or adversity that sets us back.  How will we handle these challenges is what sets us apart.  Will we turn away and give up, or will we press on and overcome?  Here are several keys to overcome life's challenges whatever they may be:

  • We must truly believe that whatever the situation we are currently in, life will get better.  Having this belief will help us overcome despair and help us press on to overcome.  Only when we are in the right mind can we move forward with any kind of action.
  • Dig deep to find a solution.  Ask the five why's before we come to any conclusion as to the source of the problem.  Why did this happen?  Why did that happen?  Why?  Why?  Why?  You will find that the solution to any problem can be a lot deeper than you may realize.
  • Don't underestimate yourself.  When you doubt your abilities, you have already nixed what you can or can't do.  Believe that you can do anything you set your mind to and never give up on your dreams.
  • Understand that becoming the best at something takes time.  Don't become discouraged by the long road of mastery, for every master in every subject must undergo the long road of discipline and practice.

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